Well, yesterday was a bit of a let down. First work rung me asking if I could come in an hour later because it was dead. Sure, no problem, as I had loads of things to do around the house anyway. But even when I got there I spent most of the time just standing around without a purpose because the whole place was empty. I was sent home at 6 pm because there was no work for me. So there goes my distraction.
Not to mention all the chocolate that was everywhere, including a huge chocolate bunny rabbit I got off my boyfriend's parents. What the hell am I going to do with it? Well, let's be honest - I'm blatantly going to eat it. Probably all in one go, which really doesn't help my bulging belly. I had some chicken breast salad yesterday as well, but it was within limits, as I still managed to drop off more than 1,5 kg in one day, so yesterday wasn't entirely useless.
Another thing I forgot to say on my previous posts is that I am absolutely staying away from alcohol at all costs. In the past week I got completely wasted twice, each time doing something I seriously regret afterwards. Like last time when I stole my boyfriend's phone and texted his boss asking if he could have a blow-job. Dignity? Self-control? Not when I'm drunk. It leaves me with bad hangovers and is full of empty calories, so I have to give alcohol a miss from now on.
Today I'm going to start my long-forgotten exercise regime as well. I haven't been for a run in ages and I know it will make me feel a lot better about myself as well as burn off loads of calories. Now please hide that Easter Bunny from me.
Monday, 5 April 2010
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give the chocolate bunny to a friend!